Provides all of the UVA and UVB for birds to flourish
Full-Spectrum + UV-B Bird Lighting

Complete lighting system for small bird cages

Lighting Kit
The Arcadia Bird ‘PureSun-Mini’ complete lighting system is an easy to use, modern and attractive Full-Spectrum + UV-B kit. This attractive kit will not only help to provide naturally for your pet bird, but it will also allow you to view your bird in the most natural way.
- Produces excellent natural colours and iridescence.
- 2.4% UVB and 12% UVA for optimal avian use.
- Improves feeding and breeding behaviour.
- Full spectrum.
T5 Fluorescent Lamp
Length | 12” / 300mm |
UV-B | 2.4% |
UV-A | 12% |
Diameter | T5 16mm |
Temperature | 5800K |
Lumens | 400lm |
CRI | 1A |
Spectral Power Distribution (SPD)Wavelength (nm) |
Recommended lamp life
The amount of light emitted from a lamp decreases with the age of the lamp, particularly in lamps which emit ultraviolet radiation, so it is important to remember to change your lamps at the end of their recommended service life, normally at 1 year.
Sign up to our Lamp Reminder Service.
Ultra Violet Index
UVI measurements taken at the very centre of the strongest point using a solar meter 6.5
Minimum distance from lamp to bird is 200mm/8”.
Height | UVI |
200mm / 8″ | 0.80 |
250mm / 10″ | 0.65 |
300mm / 12″ | 0.45 |
375mm / 15″ | 0.30 |
Lamp Saftey & Usage
Bird lamps remain UV-B potent (within 40% of total output) for one whole year of use.
This is based on using the correct controller and a maximum 12 hour a day photo period. Health concerns should always be reported to a suitable vet who can access the bird properly.
Do not allow birds long exposure to bird lamps at a distance closer than stipulated by the product.
Humans should remain 12” or more away from the lamp.
Lamps should be turned off before cage maintenance is carried out.
Bird lamps should not be sprayed with water directly.
To be sure of UV-B potency, replace bird lamps once yearly.
Products available from most good retailers both in-store and online.

Perfect for use over large parrot cages and indoor flights
Full-Spectrum + UV-B Bird Lighting

Light fitting
T5 bird lamp
Acrylic bracket
Bird use the suns energy for warmth, to view the world in colour and to be able to make their own essential Vitamin D3. Having optimal levels of Vitamin D3 within the body will help to keep your pet bird in good health. Vitamin D3, made in the body after exposure to UV-B also enables a bird to assimilate, store and use essential minerals such as Calcium.
Having access to natural D3 will not only help to protect your bird’s brain, organ and muscle function but it will also help to greatly increase bone density, improve egg quality, reduce ‘soft-shell’, improve reproduction and maintain feather condition.
Birds also use Sunlight to ‘activate’ natural colour vision. The Arcadia Bird Lamp contains the correct balance of UV-A which enables this. UV-A is also important within the natural UV-B to D3 cycles where it plays an important role in the natural self-regulation of D3 production.
PureSun-Mini bird lighting kits can even be linked up if you have more than one cage. Simply use the Mini Link Cable (optional product code CPSMINLC) to power one kit from another without having to find extra wall sockets.
The Arcadia Bird PureSun-Mini Bird lighting system can be easily linked or ‘daisy-chained’ from one kit to another. If you have more than one cage (up to 10 in 1 chain) you can use the optional ‘Link Cable’ (CPSMINLC) to power one kit from another without having to find another wall socket.
The Optional cable is 1.2m long and will allow you to place your cages apart at a safe distance should you wish to. PureSun-Mini can also be linked to our 54w High-output T5 ‘ProT5’ bird fitting.
If you have a pet bird or birds that are allowed time out of the cage and are inclined to chew, it is a good idea to invest in some extra slip over cable protection for all of the cables that supply the PureSun-Mini kit.
We have included some clips inside of the kit to help you keep power cables away from the bars. Please do take care to ensure that chewing birds are not able to reach power cables at any time.
The PureSun-Mini Bird lighting system has not only been designed to be pleasing to look at in the modern home, but to also supply the essential energy that is contained within light for birds in a safe and measured way.
Typically, PureSun-Mini should be fitted centrally over smaller cages and so that the acrylic arm is fully extended at the top of the cage. A perch should then be placed directly under the fitting so that when the bird is sitting upright within this ‘basking zone’ the birds head is 8-12” /20-30cm away from the lamp. This will be the ‘upper index basking zone’, or, the area in-which the bird can allow itself exposure to light where the UV Index is highest. The bird will then be able to easily navigate around the lower sections and sides of the cage in order to find a gentle gradient into shade. We call this ‘self-regulation’.
Many species of bird are able to climb onto the bars to become closer than the advised 8”/20cm. This is perfectly safe for short periods if the PureSun-Mini bird lighting kit is fully extended above the cage wire.
For larger/wider cages, PureSun-Mini can be fitted over either the left or right hand side of the cage. This will then provide the bird or birds access to an illuminated area and a horizontal gradient into shade.
Use plenty of natural perching so that your bird or birds can easily find places to rest and of course the quantity or ‘Index’ of ultra-violet that they require at that moment. Yep, birds are very clever you know, self-regulation comes very naturally to them.
After years of experience, we have found a typical ‘12/12’ hour per day period of illumination to be perfect. This will help set a natural day/night cycle and be long enough to allow your bird or birds to maintain the natural D3 cycle. Illuminated periods or the ‘Photoperiod’ can be safely manipulated by breeders who need to create a sense of season for the birds in order to allow natural reproduction. This is perfectly safe within the bounds of expert care and PureSun-Mini can be easily used to help with this. Birds should be given total darkness during the night, the use of a cover may be useful. Having access to total darkness is vital to the natural D3 cycle.
Voltage 220-240V 50Hz / United States: 110-120V 60Hz
Code | Country | Plug |
CPSMIN8 | United Kingdom | ![]() |
CPSMIN8X | Europe | ![]() |
CPSMIN8Z | United States | ![]() |
CPSMIN8Y | Australia | ![]() |

Health Benefits
Arcadia Bird PureSun-Compact allows birds to see in colour, allows for the natural production of vitamin D3, increases feather condition, helps to reduce feather plucking and aids in mate selection and reproduction.
Creates D3
Activates Colour Vision
Improves Health
Projects Ultra Violet
How to get the best from compact lamps for birds

Using the very latest tech to ensure birds live long healthy lives.
For nearly 20 years the Arcadia Bird lamp has been the benchmark for full-spectrum lighting for birds.
Join us as we explore the science behind the product.